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Please note that, sadly, I did not save anything from some of these experiments. I wish I had, but I got too caught up in and excited about what I was doing to really think of saving or writing anything down in those experiments. I hope to revisit those experiments in the future, at least those that I think I can recreate ((re-finding specific bytes in hex editors can be a pain if it's a small, inconspicuous spot that blends in a huge mess of code that all looks alike), so that I may provide others with the results.

Feel free to experiment with anything I provide here, add to them and post about your own findings, take ideas from here, try things yourself, etc. Just remember to save back-ups of anything you plan to experiment on!


Chihuahua SCP Experiment

I fiddled around in a small part of the SCP portion of the chihuahua breed in a hex editor. A few interesting things occurred, such as some chihuahuas doing an an alternative jump. Instead of the normal types of excitement-caused jumping, the legs remained stiff mid-jump aside from a small, rapid, rather dainty back-and-forth motion during the jump, and the dog would only face forward during the jump. Other interesting things that happened was that, for one specific chihuahua, removing any toyz from the dog's mouth would cause the dog itself to freeze completely, and it would stay that way until I let go of the toy. I was able to move the frozen pup around by moving the toy around, and the dog didn't necessarily stay right on the toy.

"Unstable" Colors Experiment

Xythius Alcaronus and creations © 2023 to Night's Shadow (Nocturnas)

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